2006-2007 Results & News
October 2006- Ft. Wayne AKC puppy match-
Troy (Revelaire Legendary Tale) wins BOBp
November 24,25,26 2006- Merrillville agility trial-
Abbi- 3 Q's in JWW Ex. B, total of 20 Mach pts.
Glory- 2nd in Nov. Std., 3rd in Nov. B jumpers
December 2,3 2006- Lafayette agility trial
Abbi-2nd place in Ex. B standard, 15 Mach pts.
Nita- 1st place in Nov. B Jumpers w./weaves (her first AKC agility leg)
January 13,14 2007- CISSC agility trial
Abbi-2nd place in Ex. B Jumpers/weaves. 15 Mach pts.
Bandit- 2nd place in Nov. B Jumpers/weaves. (2nd leg)
Abbi- 1st place in Ex. B standard. 38 Mach pts.
February 3,4 2007- Lafayette agility trial
Abbi-1st place in Ex. B Jumpers/weaves. 14 Mach pts.
Bandit-1st place in Nov. B Standard. (1st leg)
Nita- 4th place in Nov. B Standard (1st leg)
Abbi-4th place in Ex. B Jumpers/weaves. 5 Mach pts.
February 8,9,10,11 2007- Central Indiana/Hoosier Kennel Club Show
Thursday- Nita, Winners Bitch, 1 pt.
Friday- Jordii, Q in rally nov. A. 1st leg.
Saturday-Jordii, Q in rally nov. A. 2nd leg.
Jordii and Brooke- 1st place in Novice Senior junior handling.
Elliott- Q in Advanced B rally. 2nd leg.
Sunday-Troy, Reserve Winners dog to a 4 pt. major.
Troy and Audrey- 1st place Novice Senior junior handling.
February 17,2007- Pawsitive Partners Agility Trial
Bandit- 2nd place in Nov.B jumpers. NAJ TITLE
Nita- 2nd place in Nov. B standard (2nd leg)
Glory- 1st in Nov. B jumpers (2nd leg)/4th place in Nov. B standard (2nd leg)
March 3,4 2007 Lafayette Rally Trial
Saturday- Jordii and Brooke get a Q and 2nd place in nov. A rally. RN TITLE!! plus awarded Top Scoring Junior Handler in rally.
Sunday-Jordii gets another Q and 3rd place in novice A rally.
Elliott gets Q and 3rd place in advanced rally. (score 97) RA title!!
Ace gets Q in novice B rally with a score of 97.
Whisper gets Q in novice B rally with a score of 95.
March 10,11 2007 Auburn Show-AKC
Saturday- Troy and Audrey win Novice Senior junior handling. (3rd win, now moves up to Open Senior. )/Troy- 9-12 month- 1st place.
Sunday- Troy - 9-12 month- 1st place.
March 17, 18, 2007 Louisville Kennel Club- AKC
Saturday-Troy- 9-12 month- 1st place.
Glory 2nd in novice B standard. NA title!!
Abbi- Q in Ex. B JWW, 7 Mach points.
Sunday-Troy - 9-12 month- 1st place.
March 24,25 2007 GOASC show, Dayton, Ohio.
Saturday show #1- Troy in 9-12 month- 1st place
Whisper in 9-12 month- 1st place.
Saturday show #2- Troy in 9-12 month- 1st place
Whisper in 9-12 month- 1st place.
Sunday show- Whisper in 9-12 month - 1st place
Nita- 1st in open blue, Reserve Winners Bitch to 5 pt. major.
March 31/April 1 2007 German Shepherd Club Rally Trial
Saturday- Whisper- Q in Rally Novice B. (2nd leg)
Ace- Q in Rally Novice B. (2nd leg)
Elliott- Q and 2nd place in Rally Excellent B. (1st leg in Excellent)
Sunday-Whisper- Q and 3rd place in Rally Novice B. RN title!!!
Ace- Q and 1st place in Rally Novice B. RN title!!!
Elliott- Q and 1st place in Rally Excellent B. (2nd leg)
April 14 2007 Crown Point AKC conformation show
Nita- WB, BOW, BOS - 1 point (handled by Audrey Carter)
April 19 2007 Terre Haute AKC conformation show
Nita- Winners Bitch, Best of Winners, Best of Opposite- 1 point.
April 21,22 2007 Merrillville Agility trial
Nita- 3rd place Novice Jumpers./ 3rd place Novice Standard- NA title!!!
Glory- 4th Nov. JWW- NAJ title!!! 2nd Open Std- 1st leg./ 1st place Open Std- 2nd leg./ 1st place Open Jumpers- 1st leg.
May 5,6 2007 HWASC conformation show/agility trial
Saturday- Ace- Q and 1st place in Novice Jumpers agility. JS-N title!!!!
Ace- Q and 2nd place in Open Reg. agility.
Conf. show #1- Nita- 1st in Open blue
Conf. show #2- Nita- Winners bitch, 5 pt. major, BOW, Finished her Championship!! CH Stargate's Ancient Heart NA, AKC major pointed.
Sunday- Ace- Q and 1st place in Open Jumpers
Abbi and Madison (our 5 year old daughter) 1st place in Nov. reg. agility
Jordii and Brooke- 1st place Novice Senior (junior handling)
Troy and Audrey- Reserve Best Junior Handler
Troy- Res. WD to 4 pt. major. (1st show), 1st place 9-12 month. (2nd show)
May 12,13 2007 Collie Club Agility Club, Lebanon, IN
Saturday-Glory- 2nd place in Open Standard. OA title!!!
Bandit- 1st place in Novice Standard. (2nd leg)
Sunday- Bandit- 1st place in Novice Standard. NA title!!!
Sky- 1st place in Excellent A Standard. AX title!!!
Abbi- 1st place in Excellent B Jumpers. - 14 Mach pts.
June 7, 2007
Happy 1st Birthday to the Sky/Owen pups! - Roxie,Troy,Boom,Jordii, Whisper, and Chester
June 8,9,10 2007 Hoosier Kennel Club Agility trial, Lebanon, IN
Fri.- Abbi- 4th in Ex. B std. 18 Mach pts./4th in Ex. B JWW, 7 Mach pts. Double Q!
Sat.- Abbi- 4th in Ex. B std, 10 Mach pts./ 4th in Ex. B jww, 7 Mach pts.Double Q!
Sat.- B match, Central Indiana KC
Boom- 1st place in Open class
Troy- wins Best in Match
Sun.-Abbi- 3rd in Ex. B std, 11 Mach pts./Q in Ex. B JWW, 8 Mach pts. Double Q!
June 15,16 2007 Queen City Agility trial, Cincinatti, OH
Friday- Glory-1st place in Open Jumpers (2nd leg)
Saturday- Abbi-Q and 6 Mach pts. in Ex. B jumpers
Glory- 2nd place in Open Jumpers. OAJ Title!!
June 26, 2007 Sky passes her Therapy Dog certification!
July 7,8 2007 ACI agility trial, Indianapolis
Saturday- Abbi- 3rd place in Ex. B standard. 10 Mach points
Sunday- Abbi- Q in Ex. B jumpers. 6 Mach points
Glory- 1st place in Ex. A jumpers. (1st leg)
July 12, 2007- The Ace/Nita puppies were born!
July 13,14,15 2007 Sheltie Club Agility trial, Danville Indiana
Friday- Abbi- Q and 2nd place in Ex. B jumpers. 1 mach point.
Saturday-Elliott- Q and 1st place in Open jumpers. OAJ title!!
Sunday- Abbi- Q and 1st place in Ex. B. standard. 26 Mach pts.
July 21,22 2007- Hendricks County fair
Troy and Audrey win Obedience AND Showmanship Grand Champion!
August 3,4 2007- Indiana State Fair
Troy and Audrey win 1B obedience AND Senior showmanship!
August 19, 2007 - Muncie Kennel Club
Sunday- Troy wins Reserve Winners Dog and Open Senior junior handling.
August 24,25,26, 2007- HWASC show, Winchester, IN
Friday show: Ace- Altered WD, BOW, BOB 1pt.
Whisper- 1st place 12-18 month
Troy-1st leg and 1st place in Nov. A obedience. Audrey High Scoring Jr.
Saturday AM show:Jordii- Altered Reserve Winners Dog
Troy and Audrey- Reserve Best Jr. Handler AND Winners Dog, 4 pt. major!
Troy- 2nd and 1st place in Nov. A obedience. Audrey High Scoring Jr.
Whisper- 1st place 12-18 month
Saturday PM show: Ace- Altered Reserve Winners Dog
Troy-3rd leg in Nov. A obedience. CD title!! Audrey High Scoring Jr.
Troy and Audrey- Reserve Winners Dog AND Best Junior Handler
Sunday AM show:Ace- Altered Reserve Winners Dog
Whisper- 1st place 12-18 month
Troy and Audrey- 1st place Open Red and Reserve Best Jr. Handler
Sunday PM show: Jordii- Altered Reserve Winners Dog
Boom- 1st place Open Red Merle
Sept 1,2 Danville, IL. KC
Saturday- Troy- Winners Dog, Best of Winners, 1 pt.
Sunday- Troy- Winners Dog, Best of Winners, 1 pt., /first leg in rally novice.
Audrey and Troy- 1st place Open Senior, Best Junior Handler
Sept. 9 GOASC agility trial, Dayton, OH.
Madison(age 5) & Abbi: Nov. reg. jr. 2x & nov. jump. jr.2x-Four 1st places!
Sky- Q and 2nd Open jump.- JS-O title!, Q and 1st Open jump. Q and 1st place Open reg. Q and 1st place Open reg. Q and 1st place Nov. gamblers- GS-N title!
Nita- Q in Nov. jump. Q and 4th in Nov. jump.- JS-N title! Q in Nov. regular.
Sept. 15/16 Lebanon AKC show
Saturday- Elliott- 3rd place in Ex. B rally. RE title!!
Troy- Winners Dog, 3 pt. major!
Sunday- Elliott- 3rd place in Ex. B rally, 4th in Adv. B. 1st RAE leg.
Troy and Audrey- Winners Dog, 3 pt. major. Best of winners! Best Jr. Handler
Sept. 22 Champaign, IL. agility trial
Abbi- 2nd place Ex. B std. 9 pts./ 1st place Ex. B jumpers. 16 pts - Double Q!
Sept.30 - Oct. 6 - ASCA nationals, New Jersey
Glory- pre-shows: Q in Nov. gamb.- 2nd place, Q in nov. jump.-2nd place. Q in nov. reg./ nationals: Q in nov. jump., 2nd place, Q in nov. jump, 3rd place, JS-N title.
Ace- pre-shows: Altered open black- 3rd place./ nov. gamb. Q and 4th place. Q in nov. gamb. 2nd place and GS-N title. Q in open jumpers and 1st place. Q in open reg. and 2nd place. / Nationals: altered open black- 2nd place. Open gamb. - two Q's and GS-O title. Elite jumpers- Q and 2nd place. Open reg.- Q and 4th place- RS-O title. (That's 4 new agility titles!!)
Quinn- 1st and 3rd placements in pre-shows, 2-4 month merle pup.
Boom- 4th in pre-show- open red merle. In national class made top 5 cut in open red merle.
Troy- 1st and 2nd placements in pre-shows- open red. 2nd place in national class- open red. Obedience- 2nd place in Nov. A, High Scoring Junior. Junior Handling- 3rd and 4th placements in pre-shows.
Jordii- pre-shows- 2nd and 3rd placements in altered open red. In nationals class- 2nd place in altered open red.
Victory Crossroads KC -B match, Oct. 14, 2007
Boom- Best in Match
Whisper- passed the CGC test!
Glory- passed the CGC test!
Fort Wayne Agility trial Oct. 19,20, 2007
Saturday- Abbi- Q and 12 pts. in Ex. B jumpers
Sunday- Abbi- Q and 9 pts. in Ex. B jumpers
Fort Wayne Conformation Show
Troy/Audrey-Three 1sts in Open Sr Junior Handling and a Best Junior Handler! Troy wins Reserve Winners Dog to a 4pt major.
AKC conformation Show, Crete IL. Nov. 2007
Troy- WD/BOW/ BEST OF BREED! for 2 pts.
Merrillville Agility trial, Nov. 2007
Abbi earns 2 double Q's and a total of 49 Mach points!
Lafayette Agility trial, Dec. 1,2 2007
Sat- Abbi-3rd place in Ex. B JWW, 7 pts.
Glory- 1st place in Ex. A JWW. (second leg)
Sun- Abbi, 1st place in Ex. B JWW, 20 pts.
Belleville, IL AKC conformation, Dec. 2, 2007
Troy- WD/BOW for a 4pt. major
Chicago, IL AKC conformation, Dec. 2007
Thur.- Troy- WD 1pt *NEW CHAMPION! * Best of Breed! Best Jr. Handler.
Fri- Troy- BOB, BJH Sat BJH Sun BOB
Troy (Revelaire Legendary Tale) wins BOBp
November 24,25,26 2006- Merrillville agility trial-
Abbi- 3 Q's in JWW Ex. B, total of 20 Mach pts.
Glory- 2nd in Nov. Std., 3rd in Nov. B jumpers
December 2,3 2006- Lafayette agility trial
Abbi-2nd place in Ex. B standard, 15 Mach pts.
Nita- 1st place in Nov. B Jumpers w./weaves (her first AKC agility leg)
January 13,14 2007- CISSC agility trial
Abbi-2nd place in Ex. B Jumpers/weaves. 15 Mach pts.
Bandit- 2nd place in Nov. B Jumpers/weaves. (2nd leg)
Abbi- 1st place in Ex. B standard. 38 Mach pts.
February 3,4 2007- Lafayette agility trial
Abbi-1st place in Ex. B Jumpers/weaves. 14 Mach pts.
Bandit-1st place in Nov. B Standard. (1st leg)
Nita- 4th place in Nov. B Standard (1st leg)
Abbi-4th place in Ex. B Jumpers/weaves. 5 Mach pts.
February 8,9,10,11 2007- Central Indiana/Hoosier Kennel Club Show
Thursday- Nita, Winners Bitch, 1 pt.
Friday- Jordii, Q in rally nov. A. 1st leg.
Saturday-Jordii, Q in rally nov. A. 2nd leg.
Jordii and Brooke- 1st place in Novice Senior junior handling.
Elliott- Q in Advanced B rally. 2nd leg.
Sunday-Troy, Reserve Winners dog to a 4 pt. major.
Troy and Audrey- 1st place Novice Senior junior handling.
February 17,2007- Pawsitive Partners Agility Trial
Bandit- 2nd place in Nov.B jumpers. NAJ TITLE
Nita- 2nd place in Nov. B standard (2nd leg)
Glory- 1st in Nov. B jumpers (2nd leg)/4th place in Nov. B standard (2nd leg)
March 3,4 2007 Lafayette Rally Trial
Saturday- Jordii and Brooke get a Q and 2nd place in nov. A rally. RN TITLE!! plus awarded Top Scoring Junior Handler in rally.
Sunday-Jordii gets another Q and 3rd place in novice A rally.
Elliott gets Q and 3rd place in advanced rally. (score 97) RA title!!
Ace gets Q in novice B rally with a score of 97.
Whisper gets Q in novice B rally with a score of 95.
March 10,11 2007 Auburn Show-AKC
Saturday- Troy and Audrey win Novice Senior junior handling. (3rd win, now moves up to Open Senior. )/Troy- 9-12 month- 1st place.
Sunday- Troy - 9-12 month- 1st place.
March 17, 18, 2007 Louisville Kennel Club- AKC
Saturday-Troy- 9-12 month- 1st place.
Glory 2nd in novice B standard. NA title!!
Abbi- Q in Ex. B JWW, 7 Mach points.
Sunday-Troy - 9-12 month- 1st place.
March 24,25 2007 GOASC show, Dayton, Ohio.
Saturday show #1- Troy in 9-12 month- 1st place
Whisper in 9-12 month- 1st place.
Saturday show #2- Troy in 9-12 month- 1st place
Whisper in 9-12 month- 1st place.
Sunday show- Whisper in 9-12 month - 1st place
Nita- 1st in open blue, Reserve Winners Bitch to 5 pt. major.
March 31/April 1 2007 German Shepherd Club Rally Trial
Saturday- Whisper- Q in Rally Novice B. (2nd leg)
Ace- Q in Rally Novice B. (2nd leg)
Elliott- Q and 2nd place in Rally Excellent B. (1st leg in Excellent)
Sunday-Whisper- Q and 3rd place in Rally Novice B. RN title!!!
Ace- Q and 1st place in Rally Novice B. RN title!!!
Elliott- Q and 1st place in Rally Excellent B. (2nd leg)
April 14 2007 Crown Point AKC conformation show
Nita- WB, BOW, BOS - 1 point (handled by Audrey Carter)
April 19 2007 Terre Haute AKC conformation show
Nita- Winners Bitch, Best of Winners, Best of Opposite- 1 point.
April 21,22 2007 Merrillville Agility trial
Nita- 3rd place Novice Jumpers./ 3rd place Novice Standard- NA title!!!
Glory- 4th Nov. JWW- NAJ title!!! 2nd Open Std- 1st leg./ 1st place Open Std- 2nd leg./ 1st place Open Jumpers- 1st leg.
May 5,6 2007 HWASC conformation show/agility trial
Saturday- Ace- Q and 1st place in Novice Jumpers agility. JS-N title!!!!
Ace- Q and 2nd place in Open Reg. agility.
Conf. show #1- Nita- 1st in Open blue
Conf. show #2- Nita- Winners bitch, 5 pt. major, BOW, Finished her Championship!! CH Stargate's Ancient Heart NA, AKC major pointed.
Sunday- Ace- Q and 1st place in Open Jumpers
Abbi and Madison (our 5 year old daughter) 1st place in Nov. reg. agility
Jordii and Brooke- 1st place Novice Senior (junior handling)
Troy and Audrey- Reserve Best Junior Handler
Troy- Res. WD to 4 pt. major. (1st show), 1st place 9-12 month. (2nd show)
May 12,13 2007 Collie Club Agility Club, Lebanon, IN
Saturday-Glory- 2nd place in Open Standard. OA title!!!
Bandit- 1st place in Novice Standard. (2nd leg)
Sunday- Bandit- 1st place in Novice Standard. NA title!!!
Sky- 1st place in Excellent A Standard. AX title!!!
Abbi- 1st place in Excellent B Jumpers. - 14 Mach pts.
June 7, 2007
Happy 1st Birthday to the Sky/Owen pups! - Roxie,Troy,Boom,Jordii, Whisper, and Chester
June 8,9,10 2007 Hoosier Kennel Club Agility trial, Lebanon, IN
Fri.- Abbi- 4th in Ex. B std. 18 Mach pts./4th in Ex. B JWW, 7 Mach pts. Double Q!
Sat.- Abbi- 4th in Ex. B std, 10 Mach pts./ 4th in Ex. B jww, 7 Mach pts.Double Q!
Sat.- B match, Central Indiana KC
Boom- 1st place in Open class
Troy- wins Best in Match
Sun.-Abbi- 3rd in Ex. B std, 11 Mach pts./Q in Ex. B JWW, 8 Mach pts. Double Q!
June 15,16 2007 Queen City Agility trial, Cincinatti, OH
Friday- Glory-1st place in Open Jumpers (2nd leg)
Saturday- Abbi-Q and 6 Mach pts. in Ex. B jumpers
Glory- 2nd place in Open Jumpers. OAJ Title!!
June 26, 2007 Sky passes her Therapy Dog certification!
July 7,8 2007 ACI agility trial, Indianapolis
Saturday- Abbi- 3rd place in Ex. B standard. 10 Mach points
Sunday- Abbi- Q in Ex. B jumpers. 6 Mach points
Glory- 1st place in Ex. A jumpers. (1st leg)
July 12, 2007- The Ace/Nita puppies were born!
July 13,14,15 2007 Sheltie Club Agility trial, Danville Indiana
Friday- Abbi- Q and 2nd place in Ex. B jumpers. 1 mach point.
Saturday-Elliott- Q and 1st place in Open jumpers. OAJ title!!
Sunday- Abbi- Q and 1st place in Ex. B. standard. 26 Mach pts.
July 21,22 2007- Hendricks County fair
Troy and Audrey win Obedience AND Showmanship Grand Champion!
August 3,4 2007- Indiana State Fair
Troy and Audrey win 1B obedience AND Senior showmanship!
August 19, 2007 - Muncie Kennel Club
Sunday- Troy wins Reserve Winners Dog and Open Senior junior handling.
August 24,25,26, 2007- HWASC show, Winchester, IN
Friday show: Ace- Altered WD, BOW, BOB 1pt.
Whisper- 1st place 12-18 month
Troy-1st leg and 1st place in Nov. A obedience. Audrey High Scoring Jr.
Saturday AM show:Jordii- Altered Reserve Winners Dog
Troy and Audrey- Reserve Best Jr. Handler AND Winners Dog, 4 pt. major!
Troy- 2nd and 1st place in Nov. A obedience. Audrey High Scoring Jr.
Whisper- 1st place 12-18 month
Saturday PM show: Ace- Altered Reserve Winners Dog
Troy-3rd leg in Nov. A obedience. CD title!! Audrey High Scoring Jr.
Troy and Audrey- Reserve Winners Dog AND Best Junior Handler
Sunday AM show:Ace- Altered Reserve Winners Dog
Whisper- 1st place 12-18 month
Troy and Audrey- 1st place Open Red and Reserve Best Jr. Handler
Sunday PM show: Jordii- Altered Reserve Winners Dog
Boom- 1st place Open Red Merle
Sept 1,2 Danville, IL. KC
Saturday- Troy- Winners Dog, Best of Winners, 1 pt.
Sunday- Troy- Winners Dog, Best of Winners, 1 pt., /first leg in rally novice.
Audrey and Troy- 1st place Open Senior, Best Junior Handler
Sept. 9 GOASC agility trial, Dayton, OH.
Madison(age 5) & Abbi: Nov. reg. jr. 2x & nov. jump. jr.2x-Four 1st places!
Sky- Q and 2nd Open jump.- JS-O title!, Q and 1st Open jump. Q and 1st place Open reg. Q and 1st place Open reg. Q and 1st place Nov. gamblers- GS-N title!
Nita- Q in Nov. jump. Q and 4th in Nov. jump.- JS-N title! Q in Nov. regular.
Sept. 15/16 Lebanon AKC show
Saturday- Elliott- 3rd place in Ex. B rally. RE title!!
Troy- Winners Dog, 3 pt. major!
Sunday- Elliott- 3rd place in Ex. B rally, 4th in Adv. B. 1st RAE leg.
Troy and Audrey- Winners Dog, 3 pt. major. Best of winners! Best Jr. Handler
Sept. 22 Champaign, IL. agility trial
Abbi- 2nd place Ex. B std. 9 pts./ 1st place Ex. B jumpers. 16 pts - Double Q!
Sept.30 - Oct. 6 - ASCA nationals, New Jersey
Glory- pre-shows: Q in Nov. gamb.- 2nd place, Q in nov. jump.-2nd place. Q in nov. reg./ nationals: Q in nov. jump., 2nd place, Q in nov. jump, 3rd place, JS-N title.
Ace- pre-shows: Altered open black- 3rd place./ nov. gamb. Q and 4th place. Q in nov. gamb. 2nd place and GS-N title. Q in open jumpers and 1st place. Q in open reg. and 2nd place. / Nationals: altered open black- 2nd place. Open gamb. - two Q's and GS-O title. Elite jumpers- Q and 2nd place. Open reg.- Q and 4th place- RS-O title. (That's 4 new agility titles!!)
Quinn- 1st and 3rd placements in pre-shows, 2-4 month merle pup.
Boom- 4th in pre-show- open red merle. In national class made top 5 cut in open red merle.
Troy- 1st and 2nd placements in pre-shows- open red. 2nd place in national class- open red. Obedience- 2nd place in Nov. A, High Scoring Junior. Junior Handling- 3rd and 4th placements in pre-shows.
Jordii- pre-shows- 2nd and 3rd placements in altered open red. In nationals class- 2nd place in altered open red.
Victory Crossroads KC -B match, Oct. 14, 2007
Boom- Best in Match
Whisper- passed the CGC test!
Glory- passed the CGC test!
Fort Wayne Agility trial Oct. 19,20, 2007
Saturday- Abbi- Q and 12 pts. in Ex. B jumpers
Sunday- Abbi- Q and 9 pts. in Ex. B jumpers
Fort Wayne Conformation Show
Troy/Audrey-Three 1sts in Open Sr Junior Handling and a Best Junior Handler! Troy wins Reserve Winners Dog to a 4pt major.
AKC conformation Show, Crete IL. Nov. 2007
Troy- WD/BOW/ BEST OF BREED! for 2 pts.
Merrillville Agility trial, Nov. 2007
Abbi earns 2 double Q's and a total of 49 Mach points!
Lafayette Agility trial, Dec. 1,2 2007
Sat- Abbi-3rd place in Ex. B JWW, 7 pts.
Glory- 1st place in Ex. A JWW. (second leg)
Sun- Abbi, 1st place in Ex. B JWW, 20 pts.
Belleville, IL AKC conformation, Dec. 2, 2007
Troy- WD/BOW for a 4pt. major
Chicago, IL AKC conformation, Dec. 2007
Thur.- Troy- WD 1pt *NEW CHAMPION! * Best of Breed! Best Jr. Handler.
Fri- Troy- BOB, BJH Sat BJH Sun BOB