2010 Results & News
RRVASC agility trial, Waukegon IL, Jan 1,2
Glory-2 Q's in Elite jumpers, 1st and 2nd place, 20 ATCh pts! 2 Q's in Elite Gamblers, 2nd and 3rd place, 20 ATCH pts! 10 pt. Q and 5 pt. Q in Elite Regular, both 1st place, RS-E title!
Troy and Audrey- 2 Q's in Nov. Jumpers, both 1st place- JS-N title! 2 Q's in Nov. Gamblers, both 1st place, GS-N title! 3 Q's in Nov. regular, two 1sts & a 2nd place,
RS-N title! 2 Q's in Open gamblers, 1st & 2nd place, GS-O title! 2 Q's Open Jumpers, 1st and 2nd place, JS-O title! Also, High in Trial Novice dog on Friday!!
UKC show, Northern Illinois Bouvier Des Flandres Club at Schiller Park, Jan 9
Destiny and Liz win Group 3 to finish her UKC CHAMPIONSHIP!!!!!!!!!
CISSC agility trial, Indianapolis, IN. Jan 16-17
Madie and Abbi- 1st place in Nov. B standard (preferred) NAP title!!!
Glory- Q in Ex. B std. 15 Mach pts.
GLKC agility trial, Lafayette, IN Feb 5,6,7
Glory- Q in Nov. FAST, 1st place! Q in Ex. B std. 11 pts. Q in Ex. B std. another 11 pts.
Boom-Q in Ex. A std. 1st place. (1st leg) Q in Ex. A std. 1st place (2nd leg)
Feb. 11- Welcome Boom's first litter at Bywater Aussies! (Finland)
Feb. 12- Happy 1st Birthday to the Spencer x Glory litter! Cruise, Logan, Freddy, Betsy, Libby, Zoom, Dash, Speed, and Kona!
Indy classic show- conformation/obedience/rally Indpls, In Feb 11-14
Quinn- WD/BOW for 1 pt.
Jordii and Brooke earn their 2nd leg in Nov. A obedience with a 3rd place.
Whisper earns 3 legs in Nov. B obedience for her CD. scores- 193 1/2, 191, 196 1/2
Whisper also earns a RAE leg with a 2nd in Ex. B and a 3rd in Adv. B
ACI agility trial, Feb. 20, 21
Glory- Q and 4th in Ex. B std and Q in Ex. B JWW. DOUBLE QQ!! 15 MACh pts.
Glory-Q in Ex. B JWW, 8 MACh pts.
GO DOG GO NADAC agility trial. March 6
Glory- Q and 1st in Nov. Jumpers. Q and 1st in Nov. Reg round 1. Q and 1st in Nov. Reg. round 2. Q and 1st in Nov. Chances!!
HWASC show. Elkhart, IN. March 13/14
Quinn goes RWD under Judge Sue Barlow
Logansport KC AKC show. Auburn, IN March 13
Mocha and Megan go RWB under Judge Neena Van Camp
German Shepherd Dog Club of Central Indiana. April 3/4 Beechgrove, IN
Whisper- Adv. B- score of 96. Ex. B- score of 100, 1st place. RAE leg #2
Adv. B- score of 100 and 1st place. Ex. B- score of 100, 1st place. RAE leg #3
Anderson Kennel Club, April 10, Noblesville, IN
Whisper- Adv. B- score of 98, 1st place. Ex. B- score of 97, 2nd place. RAE leg #4
Steel City KC show, April 17/18. Crown Pt., IN
Quinn wins WD/BOS for 1 point.
Whisper earns her first leg in Open A obedience with a 1st place!
Toy Fox Terrier Club UKC show, April 23/24. Ohio
Fri- Boom wins Best Male/BOW/BOB/Group 4
Sat- Mocha and Megan win Best Female/BOW/BOB/Group 3
Agility Club of Evansville NADAC trial. Princeton, IN. April 24/25
Dobby and Beth earn a leg in Novice Jumpers with a 2nd place, plus two Q's in Novice tunnelers with a 1st and 2nd to finish his TN-N title!!
HWASC Daisy Classic Show. Winchester, IN. April 30, May 1/2.
Ryder wins Winners Dog for a 3 point major!
Whisper earns a leg in Open A obedience
Mocha and Megan win Reserve Winners bitch!
Collie Club Agility Trial, Beechgrove IN. May 15
Abbi and Madie win 1st place in Open Standard preferred. (1st leg)
Abbi and Madie win 1st place in Nov. JWW preferred. (2nd leg)
Kona and Mike debut and earn a 2nd place in Nov. JWW!
Greater Toledo Obedience Training Club agility trial. May 21/22
Kona & Mike earn two more legs in Nov. JWW w/ a 1st and 3rd place for her NAJ!!
Agility Club of Evansville. Princeton, IN. May 23
Dobby and Beth earn their first AKC agility leg in Nov. JWW with a 1st place!
Smack-Dab Agility Trial. May 29
Troy and Audrey earn a Q and 14 MACH pts. in Ex. B Std.
ASCA of MI conformation show. May 29
Mocha and Megan win RWB to a 4 pt. major!
UKC Show June 4/5
Mocha and Megan earn Best Female/BOB/GR4 and Best Female/BOB/GR3 for their last two competition wins to finish her UKC Championship!!!!!!!
Glenbard agility club trial June 6
Troy and Audrey earn their first double QQ and 23 MACH points! (8 from Ex. B JWW, 15 from Ex. B std.)
June 7th-Happy Birthday to the Owen x Sky litter! Boom, Troy, Roxie, Chester, Whisper, and Jordii!
Hoosier Kennel Club agility trial in Lebanon. Friday June 11/12
Dobby and Beth earn two Q's in Novice Standard, both with a second place and a Q in Novice JWW and another second place.
Dayton KC July 3/ Lima KC July 4
Mocha and Megan win a RWB on Friday, and then WB/BOS on Saturday for 2 pts!
HWASC show. Richmond, IN. July 10th
Ryder- WD/BOW/BOB for a 3 pt. major!
Mocha and Megan- RWB
Madie and Ellie- Reserve Junior Handler
Greater Toledo Obedience Training Club Agility trial. July 11
Kona and Mike earn a leg in Open Jumpers w. weaves with 1st place!
July 12th- Happy Birthday to the Ace x Nita litter- Dobby, Quinn, Indigo, Vegas, Cody, Bo, and Apple!!
Champaign/Urbana Agility club Nov/Open trial July 24
Glory earns a third leg in Novice FAST with a 2nd place for her NF title!!
Abbi and Madie earn a third leg in Nov. JWW with a 1st place for Abbi's NJP title!
Muncie Kennel Club, Muncie IN, August 19 & 21
Thursday- Ryder wins Bred-by Best of Breed. (we didn't stay for group)
Mocha and Megan win Reserve Winners Bitch
Saturday- Ryder wins Reserve Winners Dog
ACE Agility trial, Evansville IN Aug. 20-22
Dobby and Beth finished their NA and NAJ titles, both with 1st place!
HWASC conformation/rally August 27-29
Ryder wins WD for 2 pts.
Whisper earns two legs in Nov. B rally. Both with a score of 197, one was 4th place.
Madie & Ellie win two Best Junior Handler awards and a Reserve Junior Handler.
Mocha and Megan earn 2 legs in Nov. A rally. Both were 1st place!
ASC of Michigan Sept 4,5
Mocha and Megan earn WB/BOW for a 5 point MAJOR!!
Mocha & Megan also earned 4 Q's in Nov. A obedience. , all 1st place, and 2 HITaussie! New CD title!!
Racine KC Agility Trial Sept. 11
Troy and Audrey earn a Q in Ex. B std. with a 3rd place and 20 MACH pts!
Field Spaniel Agility Trial Sept. 11-12
Boom-Q in Ex. A JWW. 1st place. AXJ title!!
Glory-Q in Ex. B JWW 6 pts.4th place, Q in Ex. B JWW 2 pts., Q in Open FAST 1st place!
GLKC show, Lebanon IN, Sept 18,19
-Ryder wins WD/BOW 2 pts, WD/BOW 2 pts., for 4 points this weekend!
-Whisper earns another RAE leg with a 4th place in both Ex. B and Adv. B rally.
-Dash and Becky earn a leg in Rally Nov. B
Columbus KC show, Columbus IN, Sept. 25
Ryder wins WD/BOW for 1 pt.
Whisper earns 6th RAE leg. 1st place Ex.B (score 100) & 2nd place Adv.B (score 99)
WAG agility trial, Sept. 24
Troy and Audrey earn a Double Q! and 24 MACH points!!
Agility club of Evansville NADAC trial, Sept. 24,25,26
Dobby & Beth had a great weekend earning 8 Q's and 2 New titles!-NAC and NJC!!
Nov. Weavers-3rd place, Nov. Hoopers-1st place, Nov. Regular- 2nd,2nd, 2nd,
Nov. Tunnelers- 1st place, Nov. Jumpers-2nd place, 3rd place.
Camp Pawsitive Adventure, Sept. 24
ZooM and Ellen earn the CGC and TDI certifications!! (Canine Good Citizen and Therapy Dog International)
Southern Michigan Weimeraner Club Agility Trial, Sept. 25
Kona and Mike earn a leg in Nov. Std. and 1st place!
Terre Haute KC, Oct 2
Dobby and Beth earn a 1st place in Nov. FAST.
Collie Club agility trial, Beechgrove, IN. Oct. 2
Boom- 2nd place in Ex. A std. AX title! , Q in Ex. B JWW, 6 MACH pts.
Glory- Q in Ex. B JWW, 6 MACH pts.
HWASC agility trial, Lafayette IN., Oct 16/17
Boom-Q and 1st place in Elite Jumpers. JS-E title!
Ace-two Q's and two 1st in Veterans Novice Jumpers. JV-N title!
Glory-5pt Q Elite Reg.
Abbi-Q and 1st place in veterans Novice Jumpers. handled by Emma, age 6.
Kona and Mike- Q and 1st place in Elite Jumpers.
Oct. 21 Welcome Quinn x Whisper puppies!! 8 new Revelaire babies!!
Fort Wayne Agility Trial Oct. 24
Kona and Mike earn a 1st place in Nov. Standard.
Lincoln Trail Belgian Sheepdog Club UKC trial 10/23-24
Dobby and Beth earn 5 Q's with a 2nd and 3rd place and 26 pts. toward UACH!
Go Dog Go NADAC agility trial Nov 6-7
Glory earns a Q/1st in Novice Jumpers and a Q/1st in Novice Tunnelers.
Abbi and Junior handler Emma (age 6) earn a Q/1st in Novice Jumpers.
Cruise and Dave earn a Q/1st in Novice Jumpers
ACE agility club trial, Princeton. Nov 5-7
Dobby and Beth earn 2 Qs in Novice FAST with a 1st and 2nd to finish the NF title!!
November 8- Happy 2nd Birthday to the Beau x Nita litter: Ryder, Mocha, Destiny, Chidori, Indy, Ellie, Roo, Sundance, and Apollo!
Crossroads Canine Club UKC conformation Nov. 13
Boom wins Best Male/Best of Winners/Competition win
Ellie and Madie earn their first class points.
FunDog Agility CPE trial Nov 14
Freddy and Michelle earn 4 Qs with two 1st placements, a 3rd, and a 4th. They earned the CL1-R and CL1-F titles!!
Dayton Kennel Club. Nov 19
Mocha and Megan win WB/BOS over 2 specials for 2 pts.!
Run N Fun CPE trial Nov. 21
Freddy and Michelle earn 4 Qs with two 1st placements, a 3rd and a 4th. They are running in some level 2 classes now.
CISSC Agility Trial. Pawsitive Partners, Beechgrove Nov 26-28
Glory-3 Double Q's!! 100 MACH pts! 1st, 2nd,2nd, 3rd, & 4th placements! MXJ title!
Kona and Mike-1st place Nov. Std- NA title! 2nd place Open Jumpers
OHIO Toy Fox Terrier Association UKC show Nov 26-27
Quinn wins Best Male in 4 shows and 1 Reserve Best Male. NEW UKC CHAMPION!!!
(thanks Megan for handling my boy!)
GLKC Agility Trial, Lafayette Dec 3-5
Boom-Q in Ex. B JWW, 6 MACH pts.
Kona and Mike- 2nd place Open Jumpers- OAJ title! 2nd place Open Standard
Siberian Husky Club of Greater Detroit Dec 17
Kona and Mike- 1st place in Open Standard
Glory-2 Q's in Elite jumpers, 1st and 2nd place, 20 ATCh pts! 2 Q's in Elite Gamblers, 2nd and 3rd place, 20 ATCH pts! 10 pt. Q and 5 pt. Q in Elite Regular, both 1st place, RS-E title!
Troy and Audrey- 2 Q's in Nov. Jumpers, both 1st place- JS-N title! 2 Q's in Nov. Gamblers, both 1st place, GS-N title! 3 Q's in Nov. regular, two 1sts & a 2nd place,
RS-N title! 2 Q's in Open gamblers, 1st & 2nd place, GS-O title! 2 Q's Open Jumpers, 1st and 2nd place, JS-O title! Also, High in Trial Novice dog on Friday!!
UKC show, Northern Illinois Bouvier Des Flandres Club at Schiller Park, Jan 9
Destiny and Liz win Group 3 to finish her UKC CHAMPIONSHIP!!!!!!!!!
CISSC agility trial, Indianapolis, IN. Jan 16-17
Madie and Abbi- 1st place in Nov. B standard (preferred) NAP title!!!
Glory- Q in Ex. B std. 15 Mach pts.
GLKC agility trial, Lafayette, IN Feb 5,6,7
Glory- Q in Nov. FAST, 1st place! Q in Ex. B std. 11 pts. Q in Ex. B std. another 11 pts.
Boom-Q in Ex. A std. 1st place. (1st leg) Q in Ex. A std. 1st place (2nd leg)
Feb. 11- Welcome Boom's first litter at Bywater Aussies! (Finland)
Feb. 12- Happy 1st Birthday to the Spencer x Glory litter! Cruise, Logan, Freddy, Betsy, Libby, Zoom, Dash, Speed, and Kona!
Indy classic show- conformation/obedience/rally Indpls, In Feb 11-14
Quinn- WD/BOW for 1 pt.
Jordii and Brooke earn their 2nd leg in Nov. A obedience with a 3rd place.
Whisper earns 3 legs in Nov. B obedience for her CD. scores- 193 1/2, 191, 196 1/2
Whisper also earns a RAE leg with a 2nd in Ex. B and a 3rd in Adv. B
ACI agility trial, Feb. 20, 21
Glory- Q and 4th in Ex. B std and Q in Ex. B JWW. DOUBLE QQ!! 15 MACh pts.
Glory-Q in Ex. B JWW, 8 MACh pts.
GO DOG GO NADAC agility trial. March 6
Glory- Q and 1st in Nov. Jumpers. Q and 1st in Nov. Reg round 1. Q and 1st in Nov. Reg. round 2. Q and 1st in Nov. Chances!!
HWASC show. Elkhart, IN. March 13/14
Quinn goes RWD under Judge Sue Barlow
Logansport KC AKC show. Auburn, IN March 13
Mocha and Megan go RWB under Judge Neena Van Camp
German Shepherd Dog Club of Central Indiana. April 3/4 Beechgrove, IN
Whisper- Adv. B- score of 96. Ex. B- score of 100, 1st place. RAE leg #2
Adv. B- score of 100 and 1st place. Ex. B- score of 100, 1st place. RAE leg #3
Anderson Kennel Club, April 10, Noblesville, IN
Whisper- Adv. B- score of 98, 1st place. Ex. B- score of 97, 2nd place. RAE leg #4
Steel City KC show, April 17/18. Crown Pt., IN
Quinn wins WD/BOS for 1 point.
Whisper earns her first leg in Open A obedience with a 1st place!
Toy Fox Terrier Club UKC show, April 23/24. Ohio
Fri- Boom wins Best Male/BOW/BOB/Group 4
Sat- Mocha and Megan win Best Female/BOW/BOB/Group 3
Agility Club of Evansville NADAC trial. Princeton, IN. April 24/25
Dobby and Beth earn a leg in Novice Jumpers with a 2nd place, plus two Q's in Novice tunnelers with a 1st and 2nd to finish his TN-N title!!
HWASC Daisy Classic Show. Winchester, IN. April 30, May 1/2.
Ryder wins Winners Dog for a 3 point major!
Whisper earns a leg in Open A obedience
Mocha and Megan win Reserve Winners bitch!
Collie Club Agility Trial, Beechgrove IN. May 15
Abbi and Madie win 1st place in Open Standard preferred. (1st leg)
Abbi and Madie win 1st place in Nov. JWW preferred. (2nd leg)
Kona and Mike debut and earn a 2nd place in Nov. JWW!
Greater Toledo Obedience Training Club agility trial. May 21/22
Kona & Mike earn two more legs in Nov. JWW w/ a 1st and 3rd place for her NAJ!!
Agility Club of Evansville. Princeton, IN. May 23
Dobby and Beth earn their first AKC agility leg in Nov. JWW with a 1st place!
Smack-Dab Agility Trial. May 29
Troy and Audrey earn a Q and 14 MACH pts. in Ex. B Std.
ASCA of MI conformation show. May 29
Mocha and Megan win RWB to a 4 pt. major!
UKC Show June 4/5
Mocha and Megan earn Best Female/BOB/GR4 and Best Female/BOB/GR3 for their last two competition wins to finish her UKC Championship!!!!!!!
Glenbard agility club trial June 6
Troy and Audrey earn their first double QQ and 23 MACH points! (8 from Ex. B JWW, 15 from Ex. B std.)
June 7th-Happy Birthday to the Owen x Sky litter! Boom, Troy, Roxie, Chester, Whisper, and Jordii!
Hoosier Kennel Club agility trial in Lebanon. Friday June 11/12
Dobby and Beth earn two Q's in Novice Standard, both with a second place and a Q in Novice JWW and another second place.
Dayton KC July 3/ Lima KC July 4
Mocha and Megan win a RWB on Friday, and then WB/BOS on Saturday for 2 pts!
HWASC show. Richmond, IN. July 10th
Ryder- WD/BOW/BOB for a 3 pt. major!
Mocha and Megan- RWB
Madie and Ellie- Reserve Junior Handler
Greater Toledo Obedience Training Club Agility trial. July 11
Kona and Mike earn a leg in Open Jumpers w. weaves with 1st place!
July 12th- Happy Birthday to the Ace x Nita litter- Dobby, Quinn, Indigo, Vegas, Cody, Bo, and Apple!!
Champaign/Urbana Agility club Nov/Open trial July 24
Glory earns a third leg in Novice FAST with a 2nd place for her NF title!!
Abbi and Madie earn a third leg in Nov. JWW with a 1st place for Abbi's NJP title!
Muncie Kennel Club, Muncie IN, August 19 & 21
Thursday- Ryder wins Bred-by Best of Breed. (we didn't stay for group)
Mocha and Megan win Reserve Winners Bitch
Saturday- Ryder wins Reserve Winners Dog
ACE Agility trial, Evansville IN Aug. 20-22
Dobby and Beth finished their NA and NAJ titles, both with 1st place!
HWASC conformation/rally August 27-29
Ryder wins WD for 2 pts.
Whisper earns two legs in Nov. B rally. Both with a score of 197, one was 4th place.
Madie & Ellie win two Best Junior Handler awards and a Reserve Junior Handler.
Mocha and Megan earn 2 legs in Nov. A rally. Both were 1st place!
ASC of Michigan Sept 4,5
Mocha and Megan earn WB/BOW for a 5 point MAJOR!!
Mocha & Megan also earned 4 Q's in Nov. A obedience. , all 1st place, and 2 HITaussie! New CD title!!
Racine KC Agility Trial Sept. 11
Troy and Audrey earn a Q in Ex. B std. with a 3rd place and 20 MACH pts!
Field Spaniel Agility Trial Sept. 11-12
Boom-Q in Ex. A JWW. 1st place. AXJ title!!
Glory-Q in Ex. B JWW 6 pts.4th place, Q in Ex. B JWW 2 pts., Q in Open FAST 1st place!
GLKC show, Lebanon IN, Sept 18,19
-Ryder wins WD/BOW 2 pts, WD/BOW 2 pts., for 4 points this weekend!
-Whisper earns another RAE leg with a 4th place in both Ex. B and Adv. B rally.
-Dash and Becky earn a leg in Rally Nov. B
Columbus KC show, Columbus IN, Sept. 25
Ryder wins WD/BOW for 1 pt.
Whisper earns 6th RAE leg. 1st place Ex.B (score 100) & 2nd place Adv.B (score 99)
WAG agility trial, Sept. 24
Troy and Audrey earn a Double Q! and 24 MACH points!!
Agility club of Evansville NADAC trial, Sept. 24,25,26
Dobby & Beth had a great weekend earning 8 Q's and 2 New titles!-NAC and NJC!!
Nov. Weavers-3rd place, Nov. Hoopers-1st place, Nov. Regular- 2nd,2nd, 2nd,
Nov. Tunnelers- 1st place, Nov. Jumpers-2nd place, 3rd place.
Camp Pawsitive Adventure, Sept. 24
ZooM and Ellen earn the CGC and TDI certifications!! (Canine Good Citizen and Therapy Dog International)
Southern Michigan Weimeraner Club Agility Trial, Sept. 25
Kona and Mike earn a leg in Nov. Std. and 1st place!
Terre Haute KC, Oct 2
Dobby and Beth earn a 1st place in Nov. FAST.
Collie Club agility trial, Beechgrove, IN. Oct. 2
Boom- 2nd place in Ex. A std. AX title! , Q in Ex. B JWW, 6 MACH pts.
Glory- Q in Ex. B JWW, 6 MACH pts.
HWASC agility trial, Lafayette IN., Oct 16/17
Boom-Q and 1st place in Elite Jumpers. JS-E title!
Ace-two Q's and two 1st in Veterans Novice Jumpers. JV-N title!
Glory-5pt Q Elite Reg.
Abbi-Q and 1st place in veterans Novice Jumpers. handled by Emma, age 6.
Kona and Mike- Q and 1st place in Elite Jumpers.
Oct. 21 Welcome Quinn x Whisper puppies!! 8 new Revelaire babies!!
Fort Wayne Agility Trial Oct. 24
Kona and Mike earn a 1st place in Nov. Standard.
Lincoln Trail Belgian Sheepdog Club UKC trial 10/23-24
Dobby and Beth earn 5 Q's with a 2nd and 3rd place and 26 pts. toward UACH!
Go Dog Go NADAC agility trial Nov 6-7
Glory earns a Q/1st in Novice Jumpers and a Q/1st in Novice Tunnelers.
Abbi and Junior handler Emma (age 6) earn a Q/1st in Novice Jumpers.
Cruise and Dave earn a Q/1st in Novice Jumpers
ACE agility club trial, Princeton. Nov 5-7
Dobby and Beth earn 2 Qs in Novice FAST with a 1st and 2nd to finish the NF title!!
November 8- Happy 2nd Birthday to the Beau x Nita litter: Ryder, Mocha, Destiny, Chidori, Indy, Ellie, Roo, Sundance, and Apollo!
Crossroads Canine Club UKC conformation Nov. 13
Boom wins Best Male/Best of Winners/Competition win
Ellie and Madie earn their first class points.
FunDog Agility CPE trial Nov 14
Freddy and Michelle earn 4 Qs with two 1st placements, a 3rd, and a 4th. They earned the CL1-R and CL1-F titles!!
Dayton Kennel Club. Nov 19
Mocha and Megan win WB/BOS over 2 specials for 2 pts.!
Run N Fun CPE trial Nov. 21
Freddy and Michelle earn 4 Qs with two 1st placements, a 3rd and a 4th. They are running in some level 2 classes now.
CISSC Agility Trial. Pawsitive Partners, Beechgrove Nov 26-28
Glory-3 Double Q's!! 100 MACH pts! 1st, 2nd,2nd, 3rd, & 4th placements! MXJ title!
Kona and Mike-1st place Nov. Std- NA title! 2nd place Open Jumpers
OHIO Toy Fox Terrier Association UKC show Nov 26-27
Quinn wins Best Male in 4 shows and 1 Reserve Best Male. NEW UKC CHAMPION!!!
(thanks Megan for handling my boy!)
GLKC Agility Trial, Lafayette Dec 3-5
Boom-Q in Ex. B JWW, 6 MACH pts.
Kona and Mike- 2nd place Open Jumpers- OAJ title! 2nd place Open Standard
Siberian Husky Club of Greater Detroit Dec 17
Kona and Mike- 1st place in Open Standard