2015 Results & News
Jan 3 ICC AKC Agility Trial
Boom earns his MX and MXJ titles!!
Ellie and Madie earn a Q and 1st place in Novice Std.!
Feb 6-8 Gateway ASC Show.
Case got an XX QQ in rally w/a perfect 200 score and HIT/HIT Aussies. REM title.
Libby got a 5pt and 10pt Q in Elite Reg Agility and a leg in Masters Rally.
Glory won 2 A-BOB and 2 A-BOS and a 10pt Q in Elite Reg and a QQ in Rally.
Chase got his first leg in Nov. Rally with a 199 and 1st place!
Tugg and Karen earned 3 QQs in Rally.
Kenai and Crystal earned 2 Qs in Novice Rally.
Feb 14-15 ASCMI show
Case won 3 BOB and finished his REMX and RTX rally titles.
Glory got two QQs in Rally.
Emma and Ryder won 3 BJH and a RJH.
Madie and Cider won a BJH and a RJH.
Tugg and Karen earned 3 QQs.
Chase earned 2 Qs in Novice for his RN title at 9 months!
Quinn's son Paisley won WD for a 4 pt major. Congrats, Megan!
Ryder's son won WD.
Mia and Kristi won WB/BOW/BOS for a 4 pt major.
Echo won 2 BOS.
March 6-8 GOASC Show
Case won 2 BOB and 4 QQs in Rally including a HIT and HC.
Glory earned 4 QQs in Rally including a HIT.
Lola (Jill's pup) earned a BOSp.
Bristol and Jennifer earned a BOSp.
Chase earned 2 more Rally Novice legs and a RWD to a major!
Echo won an A-BOS.
Jessie Jane and Angie earned a perfect 200 in Novice rally.
Tugg and Karen earned 4 QQs in rally!
Paisley (Quinn son) won 2 WD for a 3 pt major and 2 points!
Breeze (Quinn daugther) won BOS.
Marilyn (Ryder daughter) won a 5 point major!
Mia (Ryder daughter) won RWB to a 5 point major!
March 13-15 RRVASC
Case won a BOB and a QQ in rally.
Glory won an A-BOS and 2 QQs in rally.
Emma and Nicki won 3 BJH and 1 RJH.
Chase earned 2 Qs in Novice rally.
Speed and Ron earned 2 Qs in Novice rally.
April 15 USASA Nationals
Case won 3rd place in Open Blue!
April 18 GOASC Agility trial
Case finishes his JS-N title and earned a leg in Novice Gambler and Regular.
Kate and Anne earn their JS-E.
Piper and Dave earn several legs including the GS-N title and two legs in Open Regular.
Cruise and Yvonne earn several legs for point towards the ATCH!
April 24-26 ASC of MI show. Kalamazoo, MI
Case HIT and BOS
Glory earns 2 QQs in rally
Tugg and Karen earn 2 QQs in rally including a High Combined!
Timber and Jennifer earn the RNX title in rally!
Chase earns an X leg in Novice rally.
Echo earns 3 A-BOB.
Emma and Nicki won BJH in all 5 shows!
Breeze(Quinn daughter)and Megan won BOB!
Mia and Kristi won WB/BOW for a 3 point major!
Paisley(Quinn son) and Megan earned an X leg in rally!
Khelben (Ryder son) earned 2 WD/majors!
Bristol and Jennifer won WB/BOW for a 5 point major!
Speed and Ron finished the RN title!
Marilyn (Ryder daughter) won WB/BOW for a 5 point major to finish!!
Boom won 2 QQs in rally and a High Combined.
May 1-3 HWASC show. Winchester, IN
Breeze (Quinn daughter) and Megan won BOS
Emma and Nicki won 2 BJH
Case won BOB and BOS, plus HIT in rally.
Halo (Case daughter) and Gemi won BOBp
Que (Case son) and Eric won BOSp
Echo won A-BOB and 2 A-BOS
Boom earned a QQ in rally
Glory earned a QQ in rally
Lola (owned by Jill) earned RWB
May 8-10 RRVASC show. Wisconsin.
Case won 2 BOB and 2 BOS
Boom earned a HIT and HC in rally
Case earned a HIT and HC in rally
Timber and Jennifer won 3 A-BOB
Speed and Ron earned two legs in Advanced rally
May 17-18 GOASC agility trial, Ohio
Kona and Mike earned the RS-O title.
Piper and Dave finished the RS-O title
Cruise and Yvonne earned more point towards the ATCH
May 23-25 Mid-South ASC show. TN
Case won Best of Breed in all 5 shows.
Case finished 3 agility titles. RS-N GS-N JS-O
May 22-25 ASC of MI
Speed and Ron finish the RA title.
Paisley (Quinn son) won RWD
Echo won A-BOB and 3 A-BOS
Timber won A-BOS
August 1-2 GOASC Agility Trial
Glory earns 8 Qs in Elite
Case earns 2 legs in Open Regular and a leg in Elite Jumpers
Kate and Anne earned several Qs!
August 15-16 Gateway Show
Case finishes his RTCH! (Rally Champion!)
Libby finishes her RS-E.
Madie and Ellie earned their JJ-E and got a leg in Elite Regular.
Madie and Cider won BJH.
Emma and Nicki earned their JJ-N title.
Iron won BOSp
Glory earned 8 legs in Elite agility.
Breeze (Quinn daughter) and Megan earned the RN title.
Jessie Jane and Angie earned the RA title and a leg in Nov. Ob.
September HWASC Show, Beechgrove, IN
Cider and Madie earned Two WB/3 point major and a RWB!
Cider and Madie won a RJH
Ryder and Emma won 2 RJH
Secret won BOBp
Iron won BOBp and a BOSp
Glory earned QQs in Rally and 2 legs in Novice Obedience.
Case earned 2 legs in Novice Obedience.
Ellie and Madie earned 2 legs in Novice Obedience and 2 legs in Rally Excellent.
Meredith (Boom daughter) and Jennifer earned BOBp
Tugg and Karen earn QQs in Rally
October 10-17 ASCA Nationals. Shelbyville, TN
Case won 4th in Intact Conformation Finals!!! 7th in Rally Finals!! 15th in MVA! He won 2nd in Excellent Rally (0ut of 68) and earned Qs in agility and stock.
Madie and 12 month old Cider placed 4th & 5th in Open Senior Junior Handling.
Emma and Nicki placed 2nd and 4th in Open Junior Junior Handling.
Ellie and Madie finished their CD and RE titles and Obedience HIT Jr!
Secret won her Nationals puppy class, won her huge Sweepstakes class and was pulled top 2 females, plus other class placements.
Iron earned several puppy class placements including 4th in Sweeps!
Nita earned several 10-12 Veteran placement including 2nd in Nationals!
Libby earned Qs in rally and agility.
Sugar earned several puppy class placements including 4th in Sweepstakes.
Kenai and Crystal finished their BN title with 2nd place, earned a leg in advanced Rally, and placed 4th in Am bred conformation.
Kate and Anne earned several agility Qs with some placements!
Speed and Ron finished their RE title.
Chase and Ron finished the RA title.
Echo and Riley earned 2 Altered Premiers plus Qs in agility and rally.
Megan's Paisley (Quinn son) earned 5th in Open blue.
Megan's Breeze (Quinn daughter) earned a rally leg.
Jennifer's Meredith (Boom daughter) earned several puppy class placements.
November 20-22 MASA, Kalamazoo, MI
Case earned two QQs in Rally with a HIT/HIT Aussie
Iron earned 3 legs in Rally Novice for his RN title
Glory earned 2 QQs in Rally.
Cider & Madie earned WB/BOW & WB/BOW/BOS for two 3 pt majors. Plus a RWB.
Nicki & Emma earned 3 legs in Rally Novice (2 X legs) for the RN title & 3 HIT Jr.
Timber and Jennifer earned two legs in Rally Excellent!
Dec 4 GLKC AKC Agility trial
Case earned a Q in Novice FAST and Open JWW.
Dec 12-13, ARFASC agility trial
7 Qs for Glory and 2 Qs for Case to finish his JS-E title. My poor dogs did their best with a VERY gimpy handler. =(
Trick and Ellen earned several Qs and placements in all three classes as they work on that ATCH!
Dec 26 ACI AKC Agility trial
Case earned legs in both Open JWW and Nov Fast.
Ellie and Madie earned their first leg in Nov Fast, 2nd leg in Nov JWW, and finished their NA title.
Boom earns his MX and MXJ titles!!
Ellie and Madie earn a Q and 1st place in Novice Std.!
Feb 6-8 Gateway ASC Show.
Case got an XX QQ in rally w/a perfect 200 score and HIT/HIT Aussies. REM title.
Libby got a 5pt and 10pt Q in Elite Reg Agility and a leg in Masters Rally.
Glory won 2 A-BOB and 2 A-BOS and a 10pt Q in Elite Reg and a QQ in Rally.
Chase got his first leg in Nov. Rally with a 199 and 1st place!
Tugg and Karen earned 3 QQs in Rally.
Kenai and Crystal earned 2 Qs in Novice Rally.
Feb 14-15 ASCMI show
Case won 3 BOB and finished his REMX and RTX rally titles.
Glory got two QQs in Rally.
Emma and Ryder won 3 BJH and a RJH.
Madie and Cider won a BJH and a RJH.
Tugg and Karen earned 3 QQs.
Chase earned 2 Qs in Novice for his RN title at 9 months!
Quinn's son Paisley won WD for a 4 pt major. Congrats, Megan!
Ryder's son won WD.
Mia and Kristi won WB/BOW/BOS for a 4 pt major.
Echo won 2 BOS.
March 6-8 GOASC Show
Case won 2 BOB and 4 QQs in Rally including a HIT and HC.
Glory earned 4 QQs in Rally including a HIT.
Lola (Jill's pup) earned a BOSp.
Bristol and Jennifer earned a BOSp.
Chase earned 2 more Rally Novice legs and a RWD to a major!
Echo won an A-BOS.
Jessie Jane and Angie earned a perfect 200 in Novice rally.
Tugg and Karen earned 4 QQs in rally!
Paisley (Quinn son) won 2 WD for a 3 pt major and 2 points!
Breeze (Quinn daugther) won BOS.
Marilyn (Ryder daughter) won a 5 point major!
Mia (Ryder daughter) won RWB to a 5 point major!
March 13-15 RRVASC
Case won a BOB and a QQ in rally.
Glory won an A-BOS and 2 QQs in rally.
Emma and Nicki won 3 BJH and 1 RJH.
Chase earned 2 Qs in Novice rally.
Speed and Ron earned 2 Qs in Novice rally.
April 15 USASA Nationals
Case won 3rd place in Open Blue!
April 18 GOASC Agility trial
Case finishes his JS-N title and earned a leg in Novice Gambler and Regular.
Kate and Anne earn their JS-E.
Piper and Dave earn several legs including the GS-N title and two legs in Open Regular.
Cruise and Yvonne earn several legs for point towards the ATCH!
April 24-26 ASC of MI show. Kalamazoo, MI
Case HIT and BOS
Glory earns 2 QQs in rally
Tugg and Karen earn 2 QQs in rally including a High Combined!
Timber and Jennifer earn the RNX title in rally!
Chase earns an X leg in Novice rally.
Echo earns 3 A-BOB.
Emma and Nicki won BJH in all 5 shows!
Breeze(Quinn daughter)and Megan won BOB!
Mia and Kristi won WB/BOW for a 3 point major!
Paisley(Quinn son) and Megan earned an X leg in rally!
Khelben (Ryder son) earned 2 WD/majors!
Bristol and Jennifer won WB/BOW for a 5 point major!
Speed and Ron finished the RN title!
Marilyn (Ryder daughter) won WB/BOW for a 5 point major to finish!!
Boom won 2 QQs in rally and a High Combined.
May 1-3 HWASC show. Winchester, IN
Breeze (Quinn daughter) and Megan won BOS
Emma and Nicki won 2 BJH
Case won BOB and BOS, plus HIT in rally.
Halo (Case daughter) and Gemi won BOBp
Que (Case son) and Eric won BOSp
Echo won A-BOB and 2 A-BOS
Boom earned a QQ in rally
Glory earned a QQ in rally
Lola (owned by Jill) earned RWB
May 8-10 RRVASC show. Wisconsin.
Case won 2 BOB and 2 BOS
Boom earned a HIT and HC in rally
Case earned a HIT and HC in rally
Timber and Jennifer won 3 A-BOB
Speed and Ron earned two legs in Advanced rally
May 17-18 GOASC agility trial, Ohio
Kona and Mike earned the RS-O title.
Piper and Dave finished the RS-O title
Cruise and Yvonne earned more point towards the ATCH
May 23-25 Mid-South ASC show. TN
Case won Best of Breed in all 5 shows.
Case finished 3 agility titles. RS-N GS-N JS-O
May 22-25 ASC of MI
Speed and Ron finish the RA title.
Paisley (Quinn son) won RWD
Echo won A-BOB and 3 A-BOS
Timber won A-BOS
August 1-2 GOASC Agility Trial
Glory earns 8 Qs in Elite
Case earns 2 legs in Open Regular and a leg in Elite Jumpers
Kate and Anne earned several Qs!
August 15-16 Gateway Show
Case finishes his RTCH! (Rally Champion!)
Libby finishes her RS-E.
Madie and Ellie earned their JJ-E and got a leg in Elite Regular.
Madie and Cider won BJH.
Emma and Nicki earned their JJ-N title.
Iron won BOSp
Glory earned 8 legs in Elite agility.
Breeze (Quinn daughter) and Megan earned the RN title.
Jessie Jane and Angie earned the RA title and a leg in Nov. Ob.
September HWASC Show, Beechgrove, IN
Cider and Madie earned Two WB/3 point major and a RWB!
Cider and Madie won a RJH
Ryder and Emma won 2 RJH
Secret won BOBp
Iron won BOBp and a BOSp
Glory earned QQs in Rally and 2 legs in Novice Obedience.
Case earned 2 legs in Novice Obedience.
Ellie and Madie earned 2 legs in Novice Obedience and 2 legs in Rally Excellent.
Meredith (Boom daughter) and Jennifer earned BOBp
Tugg and Karen earn QQs in Rally
October 10-17 ASCA Nationals. Shelbyville, TN
Case won 4th in Intact Conformation Finals!!! 7th in Rally Finals!! 15th in MVA! He won 2nd in Excellent Rally (0ut of 68) and earned Qs in agility and stock.
Madie and 12 month old Cider placed 4th & 5th in Open Senior Junior Handling.
Emma and Nicki placed 2nd and 4th in Open Junior Junior Handling.
Ellie and Madie finished their CD and RE titles and Obedience HIT Jr!
Secret won her Nationals puppy class, won her huge Sweepstakes class and was pulled top 2 females, plus other class placements.
Iron earned several puppy class placements including 4th in Sweeps!
Nita earned several 10-12 Veteran placement including 2nd in Nationals!
Libby earned Qs in rally and agility.
Sugar earned several puppy class placements including 4th in Sweepstakes.
Kenai and Crystal finished their BN title with 2nd place, earned a leg in advanced Rally, and placed 4th in Am bred conformation.
Kate and Anne earned several agility Qs with some placements!
Speed and Ron finished their RE title.
Chase and Ron finished the RA title.
Echo and Riley earned 2 Altered Premiers plus Qs in agility and rally.
Megan's Paisley (Quinn son) earned 5th in Open blue.
Megan's Breeze (Quinn daughter) earned a rally leg.
Jennifer's Meredith (Boom daughter) earned several puppy class placements.
November 20-22 MASA, Kalamazoo, MI
Case earned two QQs in Rally with a HIT/HIT Aussie
Iron earned 3 legs in Rally Novice for his RN title
Glory earned 2 QQs in Rally.
Cider & Madie earned WB/BOW & WB/BOW/BOS for two 3 pt majors. Plus a RWB.
Nicki & Emma earned 3 legs in Rally Novice (2 X legs) for the RN title & 3 HIT Jr.
Timber and Jennifer earned two legs in Rally Excellent!
Dec 4 GLKC AKC Agility trial
Case earned a Q in Novice FAST and Open JWW.
Dec 12-13, ARFASC agility trial
7 Qs for Glory and 2 Qs for Case to finish his JS-E title. My poor dogs did their best with a VERY gimpy handler. =(
Trick and Ellen earned several Qs and placements in all three classes as they work on that ATCH!
Dec 26 ACI AKC Agility trial
Case earned legs in both Open JWW and Nov Fast.
Ellie and Madie earned their first leg in Nov Fast, 2nd leg in Nov JWW, and finished their NA title.