2017 Results & News
Jan 7-8 ICC agility trial
Case earned a leg in Excellent JWW with 2nd place
Jan 7-8 At other shows:
Sugar & Tom earned 2 more legs in Beg. Novice obedience w/awesome scores!
Stephanie and Koda finished their AKC BN and RN titles!
Jan 13, 15 Florida Gulf Coast AKC Cluster
Kenai was RWD and WD for his first points.
Feb 2,3 GLKC Agility trial
Case earned a leg in Open FAST
Iron earned a leg in Novice JWW
Ellie and Madie finished their NJP title
Feb 9 Indy Winter Classic AKC show
Case RWD
Feb 10-12 GASA Show/trial
Case earned Qs in Elite Reg and Gamblers towards his ATCH.
Nicki and Emma finished their RJ-N title.
Cider and Madie earned an Elite Jumpers leg and 2 legs in Novice Regular.
Echo earned 3 legs to finish her RS-N title.
Iron earned a leg in Novice Regular.
Lexi/Diane earned JS-N & GS-N titles, 2 regular legs, & was HIT Nov. both days.
Emma and Nicki were BJH.
Bristol and Jennifer won WB for a 5 point major.
Speed and Ron won A-BOS twice!
Morgan and Jennifer won A-BOB! (Ryder daughter)
Bravo and Beth earned his RN! (Ryder son)
In other shows:
Sugar and Tom finished their BN
Linda Lou earned an ASCA 5 pt major!
Trick earned several more legs towards his ATCH. (Quinn x Whisper)
Feb 18 ACI Agility trial:
Iron earns a leg in Nov. Std.
Feb 24-26 MASA ASCA show:
Secret won WB/BOW/BOB/5 point major, WB/BOW/BOB/5pt major, & WB/BOW/5 point mjr TO FINISH! Her 1st show as a special she won another BOB!
Emma and Nicki earned 4 RJH and a leg in Advanced Rally.
Sophie and Teresa won A-BOB!
Q (Case son) & Gemi who won 5 pt &4 pt majors as well as finished their BN & RA.
Paisley (Quinn son) & Megan who won a 5 point major to finish! New Champion!
March 3-4 GLKC Agility trial
Iron earned a Q in Novice Fast and Novice STD.
Glory earned a Q in Excellent Fast.
Case finished his OF and AXJ titles!
March 17-19 RRVASC show
Iron finished his RE title and earned his first leg in rally Masters
Case earned two more QQs in rally.
Meredith (Boom daughter) won WB for a 5 point major!
Morgan (Ryder daughter) won A-BOS.
Koda and Stephanie finished their BN title and earned 2 legs in Novice rally!
March 25-26 GOASC show
Secret won a BOB!
Case won HIT and HC in both of his rally trials and finished his RTCH2!
Iron earned two more rally Masters legs to finish his RM.
Shimmer showed once and won her class of 3.
Emma/Nicki won 2 RJH.
Paisley (Quinn son) earned his RE title!
Q (Case son) won WD/BOW for a 5 point major as well as finished his RNX & RAX.
Timber (Quinn x Whisper) finished his RM title!
Tali (Case x Indy) won BOBp in both of her shows!
April 1-2 At other shows...
Linda Lou picks up WB and WB/BOW for 4 more points.
Nikki and Sandy finished their OA title!
Jack and Andrea finished their OAJ title!
April 1-2 GASC
Secret wins BOB at 2 shows.
Case earned an Open Cattle leg and Advanced Sheep leg.
Cider and Madie earned 2 BJH and a RJH
Bristol and Jennifer won RWB.
Morgan and Jennifer won 3 A-BOB. (Ryder daughter)
April 8-9 GOASC Agility trial
Glory was 4/4 this weekend. She's working on ATCH4.
Case earned several more points towards his ATCH.
Iron earned his first Novice Jumpers Q.
Cider and Madie earned their JJ-E and GJ-N titles plus a leg in Open Regular.
Congrats to Tie-Dye on her new JS-N title and legs towards Novice Regular.
Other April Results cont....
Cliff earned his CGC and TDI as well as another QQ. Congrats, Debi C! You two are closing in on that MACH! (Ryder son from CedarWoods)
Banner earns his CD! (Ryder son from CedarWoods)
**New Champion Linda Lou!! CH Revelaire Give me Three Steps
April 29-30 Around the Farm Agility Trial
Case earned Qs in Elite Regular and Gamblers
Glory earned Qs in Elite Regular and Jumpers, leaving her just 1 Q from ATCH-4!!
Secret made her debut, going 3/4 to earn her RS-N title!
Trick earned several Qs in all classes and is just 1 Q from his ATCH!!
May 5-7 Crossroads ASC
Secret earned 2 BOS (handled once by Megan)
Iron earned his first QQ in Rally. Finished his RMX title.
Nicki/Emma finished their 500 club plus 3 Qs in Adv. rally,including an X leg.
Cider and Madie finished their 500 club in Junior handling!
Ellie and Madie earned their RM!
Chase and Ron finished their RNX.
Lexi and Diane made their debut and earned their RNX with 2 perfect scores!
Bravo and Beth finished their RNX and earned 2 BN legs. (Ryder son)
Meredith & Jennifer won WB/3 pt major & RWB. Plus 2 RN legs. (Boom daughter)
Bristol and Jennifer won RWB.
Timber and Jennifer earned a BN leg.
Morgan and Jennifer won A-BOB. (Ryder daughter)
Q and Gemi won RWD and earned a leg in Nov. Obed plus their RNX. (Case son)
Halo and Gemi won WB/BOW for her 2nd major. (Case daughter)
Other May News:
Andrea and Jack earned their first Excellent Q in AKC agility!
Sandy and Nikki earned their first Excellent Q in AKC agility!
Iron earned his NA title at the Collie Club Agility trial.
Linda Lou earned her JS-O title.
Spyder earned two legs in Novice JWW.
USASA Nationals:
Lexi and Diane finished their NA, NAJ, and NF!
Cliff (Ryder son) and Debi earned another QQ!
Desi wins two rally classes! (Ryder daughter)
Bravo earns 2 perfect scores in rally! (Ryder son)
May 19-21 MASA
Secret BOB
Iron earns 2 XX QQs in rally and a HIT/HIT Aussie/HC
Case earns 2 XX QQs in rally and a HIT/HIT Aussie/HC
New Champion Bristol! Owned by Jennifer Green. (Cash x Indy)
Meredith RWB and RN. Owned by Jennifer Green. Boom daughter.
Morgan A-BOB and BN. Owned by Jennifer Green. Ryder daughter.
Sophie A-BOB. Owned by Teresa. (Cash x Indy)
Khelban WD/BOW/4pt major. Janine Kestler and Liz Busquets. Ryder son.
New Champion Q! Plus REX and CD. Gemi Brickson. Case son.
Halo RWB. Gemi Brickson. Case daughter.
May 25-28 ASC of MI conformation and SEMASA Stock Trial
Secret won BOB
Case earned a leg in Open Cattle to finish his OTDc title, and a leg in Advanced Sheep to earn his ATDs title. This also finished his Performance Championship (PCH) and Versatility Championship (VCH). This also was the last title needed to make REVELAIRE an ASCA HALL OF FAME KENNEL!!
June 9-11 HKC Agility trial.
Secret earns a leg in Novice Std. and Novice JWW.
Other June News:
Spyder and Ellen brought home 4 Qs from the Cudahy KC agility trial. They finished their NA title and added 2 legs in FAST!
ASCA Year End Results:
Secret is #29 in Intact conformation to earn an invite to the Finals!
Case is #17 in Rally to earn an invite to the Finals!
Madie & Emma both qualified for Finals & earned 500 club in Junior Handling.
Morgan (Ryder daughter) is qualified for the Altered Conformation Finals!
June 30-July 2 ASC of MI 4th of July show! Midland, MI
Iron wins a BOB
Madie earns a BJH and 3 RJH
Emma earns a BJH and 2 RJH
Cider won the Movement class as well as the Dash for Cash race!
Case won HIT at the pm Duck trial and went on to win the MVA competition!
Talli & Alyssa won WB/BOS for a 5 pt major plus a rally leg. (Only 6 months old!)
Meredith and Jennifer won WB for a 4 pt major! (Boom daughter)
Halo and Gemi won 2 RWB. (Case daughter)
July 8-9 ARF agility trial
Trick finished his ATCH! Congrats, Ellen!!
Spyder and Ellen finished their GS-N and JS-O titles!!
July 15-16 RRVASC show. Rio, WI
Madie and Iron win 2 BOS wins, 4 BJH, and 1 RJH.
Speed and Ron won 3 A-BOB.
July News:
Trick and Ellen earn two more QQs at AKC trials.
Spyder and Ellen earn two legs in Open. (AKC)
August 6 GOASC trial. Dayton, OH (Sunday only for us)
Glory earns ATCH-4!!
Case earns a 1st place Q in Elite Reg.
Secret earns a leg in Open Reg.
Kate and Anne win Elite Gamblers.
Jack and Andrea earn their RS-N and GS-N titles.
Halo and Gemi (Case daughter) earn their JS-N title.
There were many great runs and Qs and titles earned by Revelaire dogs and Case kids. Congrats to everyone! Sorry I couldn't keep up with all of the run results!
August news:
Michelle and Freddy finish their C-ATCH!
Spyder and Ellen earn 2 legs in Novice rally.
Spyder and Ellen finish the OA title.
Trick and Ellen earn legs in Masters Jumpers and Std.
Riley & Echo earn 2nd place in Senior Showmanship & 4th in Agility at the Indiana State Fair.
Sugar 1st place in Wildcard Novice and 99 in Rally Nov. B.
August 18-20 Gateway ASC show. Grey Summit, MO
Iron finished his JS-N title.
Case earned an Elite Gamble leg.
Secret earned a Novice Jumpers leg.
Cider and Madie earned 2 BJH and 2 RJH.
Madie handled Lexi to all 5 A-WB with 2 BOW. 5 points.
Lexi and Diane earned their RS-N, RS-O, JS-O, and RAX titles.
Speed and Ron won A-BOB
Teller and Bonnie earned their RNX title with a HIT!
Bravo (Ryder son) and Beth earned their BN and RAX titles.
Cliff (Ryder son) earned two 4 point majors going WD/BOW and WD.
Cliff and Debi also earned several agility Qs and HIT open.
Sept 9-10 HWASC Stock trial
Secret earns her first started ducks leg with 1st place
Iron earns his first started ducks leg with 2nd place
Nicki and Emma earn their first started ducks leg with 3rd place
September news
Echo and Malory earn two legs in Novice JWW
Nikki (Slick x Libby) earned her OAJ.
Trick and Ellen earn 3 QQs plus an extra JWW leg. They have completed their Master Agility Gold status.
Spyder and Ellen earn their RN title and get a leg in Rally Advanced.
Spyder and Ellen earned a second RA leg.
Sept 23-24 MASA
Iron earns 2 XX QQs in rally, finishing his REX and REM titles.
Secret wins a BOS, handled by Ron N.
Sophie and Teresa win 2 A-BOB, earning 2 more singles.
Timber and Jennifer win Best Michiana Bred-by.
Tali and Alyssa finished the RN title!
Sept 30-Oct 1 RRVASC
New Altered Champion Sophie! Congrats to Teresa and Don.
Koda and Stephanie win A-WB/BOS for another major!
Koda and Stephanie also earned 2 X legs in rally novice for their RNX.
Speed and Ron win A-BOB!
Timber and Jennifer earn 2 legs to finish their BN.
Madie and Cider win 4 BJH and 1 RJH.
Oct 14-15 GOASC Agility
Case earned legs in Elite Jumpers, Regular, and Gamblers
Secret earned a leg in Open Regular and finished her JS-N title.
Nicki and Emma earned a leg in Elite Jumpers.
Ellie and Madie earned 2 legs in Elite Regular to finish their RJ-E title.
Libby and Macy earned 2 legs in Novice Jumpers to earn the JJ-N title.
Congrats to Lexi and Diane on earning their JS-E and GJ-O titles!
Congrats to all of Revelaire bred and Revelaire sired dogs who were running there and earning Qs! Including: Jazz and Donna, Shelby and Mike, Kate/Vinnie and Anne, Tie-Dye, Bailey, and more!!
Oct 20-22 ASC of MI
Secret wins 2 BOB and earns a leg in Advanced Rally.
Case earned his first Open Obedience leg!
Ellie and Madie earned a leg in Masters Rally.
Nicki and Emma earned a leg in Excellent Rally and 2 BJH.
Madie earned 3 BJH with Glory and Iron.
Trick and Ellen earned 2 legs in Novice obedience and 2 HIT!
Oct 26-Nov 4. ASCA Nationals- Bryan, TX
Secret-1st time MVA qualifier at 2 years old! She made the cut multiple times in BOB & helped win the Generations class and 3rd place in Breeder's showcase. She qualified in rally, had clean runs in agility, and finished her Started duck title!
Iron-1st time MVA qualifier at 2 years old! He made the cut multiple times in BOB. He finished his Started duck title and qualified in rally. He and Madie also won the big costume contest!!
Case-8th place in rally Finals. Case also helped his family to win Generations and 3rd place in Breeder's showcase.
Nita- She won ALL THREE 13+ Veterans classes and went on to win BEST VETERAN at the Nationals! She also led her family to win Generations!
Cider/Madie-RJH at a pre-show and RJH at Nationals!! Cider was also a part of our 3rd place Breeder's Showcase class.
Ellie/Madie-1st place MVJ!!! Ellie and Madie qualified in started sheep and rally. They also earned Rally HIT Jr!!
Nicki/Emma-2nd place MVJ!!! They finished their started duck title and earned a second leg in Excellent Rally.
Sophie- Altered Premier in Nationals A-BOB!
Timber/Jennifer- Timber placed in his 7-9 Vet class in all 4 shows and took home 4 Altered Premiers!!
Congrats to Beth and Bravo (Ryder son) for Qs in rally, obedience, and agility!!
Congrats to Jennifer & Morgan (Ryder daughter) for making the cut in Alt. BOB.
Huge congrats to all of the Case babies who were running around competing in agility, rally, obedience, stock, conformation, and dock-diving!!
Nov 17-19 MASA show- Kalamazoo, MI
Halo won WB/BOW/BOW/3 pts. Congrats, Gemi! (Case daughter)
Tali won RWB and earned a leg in BN. Congrats, Alyssa!
Teller earned his RA and RAX title. Congrats, Bonnie!
Spyder earned 2 legs in Nov. Obedience w/HIT Aussie. Congrats, Ellen!
Trick finished his CD and earned a leg in Open obedience plus 2 HIT Aussie and an overall HIT!
November News:
New UKC CH Sugar! Congrats Tom and Sherri!
Spyder earns 2 legs in AKC Excellent rally with 2nd and 3rd. Congrats, Ellen!
Linda Lou earned her OAJ, RS-O, and JS-E titles. Congrats, Jayme!
Spyder finished his RE title.
December 16-17- ARF agility trial. *weekend cut short due to injury
Iron earned a leg in Open Jumpers
Echo earned a leg in Open Regular
Glory earned a leg in ACE Sr Jumpers.
Trick and Ellen earned 3 Elite Regular legs and 1 Elite Jumpers leg.
Case earned a leg in Excellent JWW with 2nd place
Jan 7-8 At other shows:
Sugar & Tom earned 2 more legs in Beg. Novice obedience w/awesome scores!
Stephanie and Koda finished their AKC BN and RN titles!
Jan 13, 15 Florida Gulf Coast AKC Cluster
Kenai was RWD and WD for his first points.
Feb 2,3 GLKC Agility trial
Case earned a leg in Open FAST
Iron earned a leg in Novice JWW
Ellie and Madie finished their NJP title
Feb 9 Indy Winter Classic AKC show
Case RWD
Feb 10-12 GASA Show/trial
Case earned Qs in Elite Reg and Gamblers towards his ATCH.
Nicki and Emma finished their RJ-N title.
Cider and Madie earned an Elite Jumpers leg and 2 legs in Novice Regular.
Echo earned 3 legs to finish her RS-N title.
Iron earned a leg in Novice Regular.
Lexi/Diane earned JS-N & GS-N titles, 2 regular legs, & was HIT Nov. both days.
Emma and Nicki were BJH.
Bristol and Jennifer won WB for a 5 point major.
Speed and Ron won A-BOS twice!
Morgan and Jennifer won A-BOB! (Ryder daughter)
Bravo and Beth earned his RN! (Ryder son)
In other shows:
Sugar and Tom finished their BN
Linda Lou earned an ASCA 5 pt major!
Trick earned several more legs towards his ATCH. (Quinn x Whisper)
Feb 18 ACI Agility trial:
Iron earns a leg in Nov. Std.
Feb 24-26 MASA ASCA show:
Secret won WB/BOW/BOB/5 point major, WB/BOW/BOB/5pt major, & WB/BOW/5 point mjr TO FINISH! Her 1st show as a special she won another BOB!
Emma and Nicki earned 4 RJH and a leg in Advanced Rally.
Sophie and Teresa won A-BOB!
Q (Case son) & Gemi who won 5 pt &4 pt majors as well as finished their BN & RA.
Paisley (Quinn son) & Megan who won a 5 point major to finish! New Champion!
March 3-4 GLKC Agility trial
Iron earned a Q in Novice Fast and Novice STD.
Glory earned a Q in Excellent Fast.
Case finished his OF and AXJ titles!
March 17-19 RRVASC show
Iron finished his RE title and earned his first leg in rally Masters
Case earned two more QQs in rally.
Meredith (Boom daughter) won WB for a 5 point major!
Morgan (Ryder daughter) won A-BOS.
Koda and Stephanie finished their BN title and earned 2 legs in Novice rally!
March 25-26 GOASC show
Secret won a BOB!
Case won HIT and HC in both of his rally trials and finished his RTCH2!
Iron earned two more rally Masters legs to finish his RM.
Shimmer showed once and won her class of 3.
Emma/Nicki won 2 RJH.
Paisley (Quinn son) earned his RE title!
Q (Case son) won WD/BOW for a 5 point major as well as finished his RNX & RAX.
Timber (Quinn x Whisper) finished his RM title!
Tali (Case x Indy) won BOBp in both of her shows!
April 1-2 At other shows...
Linda Lou picks up WB and WB/BOW for 4 more points.
Nikki and Sandy finished their OA title!
Jack and Andrea finished their OAJ title!
April 1-2 GASC
Secret wins BOB at 2 shows.
Case earned an Open Cattle leg and Advanced Sheep leg.
Cider and Madie earned 2 BJH and a RJH
Bristol and Jennifer won RWB.
Morgan and Jennifer won 3 A-BOB. (Ryder daughter)
April 8-9 GOASC Agility trial
Glory was 4/4 this weekend. She's working on ATCH4.
Case earned several more points towards his ATCH.
Iron earned his first Novice Jumpers Q.
Cider and Madie earned their JJ-E and GJ-N titles plus a leg in Open Regular.
Congrats to Tie-Dye on her new JS-N title and legs towards Novice Regular.
Other April Results cont....
Cliff earned his CGC and TDI as well as another QQ. Congrats, Debi C! You two are closing in on that MACH! (Ryder son from CedarWoods)
Banner earns his CD! (Ryder son from CedarWoods)
**New Champion Linda Lou!! CH Revelaire Give me Three Steps
April 29-30 Around the Farm Agility Trial
Case earned Qs in Elite Regular and Gamblers
Glory earned Qs in Elite Regular and Jumpers, leaving her just 1 Q from ATCH-4!!
Secret made her debut, going 3/4 to earn her RS-N title!
Trick earned several Qs in all classes and is just 1 Q from his ATCH!!
May 5-7 Crossroads ASC
Secret earned 2 BOS (handled once by Megan)
Iron earned his first QQ in Rally. Finished his RMX title.
Nicki/Emma finished their 500 club plus 3 Qs in Adv. rally,including an X leg.
Cider and Madie finished their 500 club in Junior handling!
Ellie and Madie earned their RM!
Chase and Ron finished their RNX.
Lexi and Diane made their debut and earned their RNX with 2 perfect scores!
Bravo and Beth finished their RNX and earned 2 BN legs. (Ryder son)
Meredith & Jennifer won WB/3 pt major & RWB. Plus 2 RN legs. (Boom daughter)
Bristol and Jennifer won RWB.
Timber and Jennifer earned a BN leg.
Morgan and Jennifer won A-BOB. (Ryder daughter)
Q and Gemi won RWD and earned a leg in Nov. Obed plus their RNX. (Case son)
Halo and Gemi won WB/BOW for her 2nd major. (Case daughter)
Other May News:
Andrea and Jack earned their first Excellent Q in AKC agility!
Sandy and Nikki earned their first Excellent Q in AKC agility!
Iron earned his NA title at the Collie Club Agility trial.
Linda Lou earned her JS-O title.
Spyder earned two legs in Novice JWW.
USASA Nationals:
Lexi and Diane finished their NA, NAJ, and NF!
Cliff (Ryder son) and Debi earned another QQ!
Desi wins two rally classes! (Ryder daughter)
Bravo earns 2 perfect scores in rally! (Ryder son)
May 19-21 MASA
Secret BOB
Iron earns 2 XX QQs in rally and a HIT/HIT Aussie/HC
Case earns 2 XX QQs in rally and a HIT/HIT Aussie/HC
New Champion Bristol! Owned by Jennifer Green. (Cash x Indy)
Meredith RWB and RN. Owned by Jennifer Green. Boom daughter.
Morgan A-BOB and BN. Owned by Jennifer Green. Ryder daughter.
Sophie A-BOB. Owned by Teresa. (Cash x Indy)
Khelban WD/BOW/4pt major. Janine Kestler and Liz Busquets. Ryder son.
New Champion Q! Plus REX and CD. Gemi Brickson. Case son.
Halo RWB. Gemi Brickson. Case daughter.
May 25-28 ASC of MI conformation and SEMASA Stock Trial
Secret won BOB
Case earned a leg in Open Cattle to finish his OTDc title, and a leg in Advanced Sheep to earn his ATDs title. This also finished his Performance Championship (PCH) and Versatility Championship (VCH). This also was the last title needed to make REVELAIRE an ASCA HALL OF FAME KENNEL!!
June 9-11 HKC Agility trial.
Secret earns a leg in Novice Std. and Novice JWW.
Other June News:
Spyder and Ellen brought home 4 Qs from the Cudahy KC agility trial. They finished their NA title and added 2 legs in FAST!
ASCA Year End Results:
Secret is #29 in Intact conformation to earn an invite to the Finals!
Case is #17 in Rally to earn an invite to the Finals!
Madie & Emma both qualified for Finals & earned 500 club in Junior Handling.
Morgan (Ryder daughter) is qualified for the Altered Conformation Finals!
June 30-July 2 ASC of MI 4th of July show! Midland, MI
Iron wins a BOB
Madie earns a BJH and 3 RJH
Emma earns a BJH and 2 RJH
Cider won the Movement class as well as the Dash for Cash race!
Case won HIT at the pm Duck trial and went on to win the MVA competition!
Talli & Alyssa won WB/BOS for a 5 pt major plus a rally leg. (Only 6 months old!)
Meredith and Jennifer won WB for a 4 pt major! (Boom daughter)
Halo and Gemi won 2 RWB. (Case daughter)
July 8-9 ARF agility trial
Trick finished his ATCH! Congrats, Ellen!!
Spyder and Ellen finished their GS-N and JS-O titles!!
July 15-16 RRVASC show. Rio, WI
Madie and Iron win 2 BOS wins, 4 BJH, and 1 RJH.
Speed and Ron won 3 A-BOB.
July News:
Trick and Ellen earn two more QQs at AKC trials.
Spyder and Ellen earn two legs in Open. (AKC)
August 6 GOASC trial. Dayton, OH (Sunday only for us)
Glory earns ATCH-4!!
Case earns a 1st place Q in Elite Reg.
Secret earns a leg in Open Reg.
Kate and Anne win Elite Gamblers.
Jack and Andrea earn their RS-N and GS-N titles.
Halo and Gemi (Case daughter) earn their JS-N title.
There were many great runs and Qs and titles earned by Revelaire dogs and Case kids. Congrats to everyone! Sorry I couldn't keep up with all of the run results!
August news:
Michelle and Freddy finish their C-ATCH!
Spyder and Ellen earn 2 legs in Novice rally.
Spyder and Ellen finish the OA title.
Trick and Ellen earn legs in Masters Jumpers and Std.
Riley & Echo earn 2nd place in Senior Showmanship & 4th in Agility at the Indiana State Fair.
Sugar 1st place in Wildcard Novice and 99 in Rally Nov. B.
August 18-20 Gateway ASC show. Grey Summit, MO
Iron finished his JS-N title.
Case earned an Elite Gamble leg.
Secret earned a Novice Jumpers leg.
Cider and Madie earned 2 BJH and 2 RJH.
Madie handled Lexi to all 5 A-WB with 2 BOW. 5 points.
Lexi and Diane earned their RS-N, RS-O, JS-O, and RAX titles.
Speed and Ron won A-BOB
Teller and Bonnie earned their RNX title with a HIT!
Bravo (Ryder son) and Beth earned their BN and RAX titles.
Cliff (Ryder son) earned two 4 point majors going WD/BOW and WD.
Cliff and Debi also earned several agility Qs and HIT open.
Sept 9-10 HWASC Stock trial
Secret earns her first started ducks leg with 1st place
Iron earns his first started ducks leg with 2nd place
Nicki and Emma earn their first started ducks leg with 3rd place
September news
Echo and Malory earn two legs in Novice JWW
Nikki (Slick x Libby) earned her OAJ.
Trick and Ellen earn 3 QQs plus an extra JWW leg. They have completed their Master Agility Gold status.
Spyder and Ellen earn their RN title and get a leg in Rally Advanced.
Spyder and Ellen earned a second RA leg.
Sept 23-24 MASA
Iron earns 2 XX QQs in rally, finishing his REX and REM titles.
Secret wins a BOS, handled by Ron N.
Sophie and Teresa win 2 A-BOB, earning 2 more singles.
Timber and Jennifer win Best Michiana Bred-by.
Tali and Alyssa finished the RN title!
Sept 30-Oct 1 RRVASC
New Altered Champion Sophie! Congrats to Teresa and Don.
Koda and Stephanie win A-WB/BOS for another major!
Koda and Stephanie also earned 2 X legs in rally novice for their RNX.
Speed and Ron win A-BOB!
Timber and Jennifer earn 2 legs to finish their BN.
Madie and Cider win 4 BJH and 1 RJH.
Oct 14-15 GOASC Agility
Case earned legs in Elite Jumpers, Regular, and Gamblers
Secret earned a leg in Open Regular and finished her JS-N title.
Nicki and Emma earned a leg in Elite Jumpers.
Ellie and Madie earned 2 legs in Elite Regular to finish their RJ-E title.
Libby and Macy earned 2 legs in Novice Jumpers to earn the JJ-N title.
Congrats to Lexi and Diane on earning their JS-E and GJ-O titles!
Congrats to all of Revelaire bred and Revelaire sired dogs who were running there and earning Qs! Including: Jazz and Donna, Shelby and Mike, Kate/Vinnie and Anne, Tie-Dye, Bailey, and more!!
Oct 20-22 ASC of MI
Secret wins 2 BOB and earns a leg in Advanced Rally.
Case earned his first Open Obedience leg!
Ellie and Madie earned a leg in Masters Rally.
Nicki and Emma earned a leg in Excellent Rally and 2 BJH.
Madie earned 3 BJH with Glory and Iron.
Trick and Ellen earned 2 legs in Novice obedience and 2 HIT!
Oct 26-Nov 4. ASCA Nationals- Bryan, TX
Secret-1st time MVA qualifier at 2 years old! She made the cut multiple times in BOB & helped win the Generations class and 3rd place in Breeder's showcase. She qualified in rally, had clean runs in agility, and finished her Started duck title!
Iron-1st time MVA qualifier at 2 years old! He made the cut multiple times in BOB. He finished his Started duck title and qualified in rally. He and Madie also won the big costume contest!!
Case-8th place in rally Finals. Case also helped his family to win Generations and 3rd place in Breeder's showcase.
Nita- She won ALL THREE 13+ Veterans classes and went on to win BEST VETERAN at the Nationals! She also led her family to win Generations!
Cider/Madie-RJH at a pre-show and RJH at Nationals!! Cider was also a part of our 3rd place Breeder's Showcase class.
Ellie/Madie-1st place MVJ!!! Ellie and Madie qualified in started sheep and rally. They also earned Rally HIT Jr!!
Nicki/Emma-2nd place MVJ!!! They finished their started duck title and earned a second leg in Excellent Rally.
Sophie- Altered Premier in Nationals A-BOB!
Timber/Jennifer- Timber placed in his 7-9 Vet class in all 4 shows and took home 4 Altered Premiers!!
Congrats to Beth and Bravo (Ryder son) for Qs in rally, obedience, and agility!!
Congrats to Jennifer & Morgan (Ryder daughter) for making the cut in Alt. BOB.
Huge congrats to all of the Case babies who were running around competing in agility, rally, obedience, stock, conformation, and dock-diving!!
Nov 17-19 MASA show- Kalamazoo, MI
Halo won WB/BOW/BOW/3 pts. Congrats, Gemi! (Case daughter)
Tali won RWB and earned a leg in BN. Congrats, Alyssa!
Teller earned his RA and RAX title. Congrats, Bonnie!
Spyder earned 2 legs in Nov. Obedience w/HIT Aussie. Congrats, Ellen!
Trick finished his CD and earned a leg in Open obedience plus 2 HIT Aussie and an overall HIT!
November News:
New UKC CH Sugar! Congrats Tom and Sherri!
Spyder earns 2 legs in AKC Excellent rally with 2nd and 3rd. Congrats, Ellen!
Linda Lou earned her OAJ, RS-O, and JS-E titles. Congrats, Jayme!
Spyder finished his RE title.
December 16-17- ARF agility trial. *weekend cut short due to injury
Iron earned a leg in Open Jumpers
Echo earned a leg in Open Regular
Glory earned a leg in ACE Sr Jumpers.
Trick and Ellen earned 3 Elite Regular legs and 1 Elite Jumpers leg.